Clinical professionals with a bias towards leadership

We HAVE BEEN (almost) EVERYWHERE: academia to ambulatory care, Integrated delivery Networks TO the pharmaceutcal industry.

patient safEty

We view compliance as an opportunity to help make your business more efficient, accountable, and  profitable.

FREE CONSULTATION (773) 633-5215

pharmacy consulting services that are

Grounded in science, and

Rooted in compliance

Medication stewardship

We  help you understand trends and ideas that are in your data to see  value in the information you have.

Education & training

We provide a wide range of HR consulting services designed to support your organization's success.

Our professional experts are registered Pharmacists, Doctors of Pharmacy, Board Certified Specialists, Professionals in Patient Safety, and Collaborative Drug Therapy Management experts. We have expertise in mediation safety, and population health.

pharmaceutical services

We provide a broad spectrum of development and training options to equip your staff with the tools to succeed.


SERVICE                 PharmacoSolutions